Nuria Villacis
Professional Life Coach
Personal development partner

let's transform your reality
into something greater

My Story
I was working as a team leader in hospitality for more than 20 years when I realized that what I loved the most about my job was having conversations that inspired people into personal transformation and evolution. I consistently drew on my life experience and intuition to support others in creating positive changes in their lives. This passion led me to become a Professional Coach and Personal Development Partner.
My work is inspired by my mother, who taught me from an early age the importance of self-awareness and the immense value of "looking inside myself" for genuine answers, allowing me to live with freedom and compassion. Our honest and profound conversations were essential in unveiling the truth about myself and inspiring others to do the same.
To ensure my capacity and ability to support others, I care for myself first. I walk my talk by practicing daily meditation, constantly learning from my mentors, and being supported on my inner work and life learning process.
I'm eager to collaborate with individuals and organizations ready to create healthier possibilities, committed to integrity, deep kindness, and authenticity.
What I do
coaching and personal development partnership

The practice of clarifying and organizing our thoughts,
I support people through thought-provoking conversations that foster deeper awareness and understanding of their reality.
I use simple tools to access new perspectives on relationships, behaviors, goals, values, and how to align intentions with thoughts and actions.
Clarifying and organizing thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and possibilities leads to progressive improvements in solving challenges and enhancing communication.
Coaching is a process of evolution where the coach and the clients are constantly enriched by their interaction.
I design tailor-made conditions for each client to address their unique needs and desires in the best ways possible.
The purpose of my work is to help clients generate positive changes in their experiences, contributing to greater harmony and peace in the world.
get inspired to take the journey

connect with me
my contact info
+1 504 301 5950
New Orleans, USA